05 Apr Media Coverage Summary – April 5
The following is a roundup of news on North Dakota University System’s 11 public colleges and universities for the week ending Friday, April 5.
Bismarck State College
BSC honors Alumnus of the Year
Four-time Iditarod winner Lance Mackey in Bismarck for BSC ArtsQuest
BSC designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education
Dakota College at Bottineau
Abrahamson Receives All-ND Academic Team Recognition
Dickinson State University
DSU invites community to attend 2019 Celebration of Scholars
DSU Concert Band to Celebrate History
Violinist Gaelynn Lea to perform at DSU April 12
Lake Region State College
LRSC students named to All Academic team
Students nominated for theatre honor
Mayville State University
Public invited to attend Mayville State’s STEM Carnival
Opportunities at MaSU assist with nursing shortage
Minot State University
Minot State presents world-renowned Egyptologist Mark Lehner
Minot State Concert Choir, MSU Singers present: ‘Not One Sparrow is Forgotten’
Minot State University debuts portable breastfeeding unit
North Dakota State College of Science
NDSCS Performing Arts department to present two concerts in April
Daily News: ‘Fairly Stupid Tales’ at NDSCS
North Dakota State University
NDSU addresses nationwide shortage of ag teachers
NDSU Extension helps vitalize rural communities
NDSU faculty receive Great Plains IDEA awards
Work on research that can change the world
Business ideas shine during NDSU’s Innovation Challenge
Food economist to present ‘The Future of Food’ at NDSU
Student competition raises more than $8,000 for teen fighting cancer
NDSU Extension targets men, women with health information
NDSU grad talks taking over local Dale Carnegie franchise
NDSU host fundraiser for teen battling rare cancer
NDSU Equine Center will shelter horses during flood
NDSU Extension to host Energizing Entrepreneurs Conference
Faculty lecture to focus on technology, environmental pollution
NDSU graduate student group hosts symposium
NDSU Public Health Week events announced
NDSU computer science professors work to diversify the field
Inspiring Teacher: Kate Tulibaski, lecturer
NDSU event to honor late alumnus, architect
University of North Dakota
‘Servant leader’ makes his case
Flood fight 101
The right temp
Brimming with honors
Blazing the trail
Valley City State University
Tech Wars held on VCSU campus March 21
Williston State College
Andrea’s, the WSC Bookstore
North Dakota University System
Board discusses governance
NDUS Hosts Legislative Showcase