State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) Meetings
Click here to view the State Board of Higher Education meeting. The link is only active when the meeting is ongoing. Annually scheduled SBHE meeting dates.
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
December 10 |
Agenda |
Special State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 5 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
DSU Presidential Search Committee |
December 3 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Special SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
DSU Presidential Search Listening Sessions |
November 14-21 |
Notice |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
November 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
November 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
November 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
November 12 |
Agenda |
Special SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 8 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Retirement Plan Oversight Committee |
November 4 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
October 2024
Joint Boards Annual Meeting |
October 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
October 24 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
NDUS Economic Diversification Research Fund External Advisory Committee |
October 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
October 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
October 15 |
Agenda |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
October 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
October 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
October 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
September 2024
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
September 24 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education Social |
September 23 |
Notice |
SBHE Audit Committee |
September 18 |
Cancelled |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
September 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
September 11 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
September 11 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Post-Tenure Ad Hoc Committee |
September 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
June 2024
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
June 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education Social |
June 24 |
Notice |
SBHE Special Budget and Finance Committee |
June 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
June 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
June 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
June 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Economic Diversification Research Fund Internal Advisory Committee |
June 7 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Retirement Plan Oversight Committee |
June 6 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee Special Meeting |
June 6 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
May 2024
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
May 30 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education Social |
May 29 |
Notice |
State Board of Higher Education Retreat |
May 29 |
Notice |
SBHE Audit Committee |
May 23 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
May 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
May 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
May 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
May 14 |
Agenda |
SBHE Funding Formula Study Ad Hoc Committee |
May 3 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
March 2024
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
March 27 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education Social |
March 26 |
Notice |
SBHE Funding Formula Study Ad Hoc Committee |
March 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
March 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Retirement Plan Oversight Committee |
March 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
March 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
March 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
March 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
March 12 |
Notice |
SBHE Post-Tenure Ad Hoc Committee |
March 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
February 2024
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
February 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Post-Tenure Ad Hoc Committee |
February 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
February 14 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
February 14 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
February 14 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
February 14 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
February 13 |
Notice |
SBHE Funding Formula Study Ad Hoc Committee |
February 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
January 2024
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
January 30 |
Notice |
SBHE Funding Formula Study Ad Hoc Committee |
January 26 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
January 16 |
Notice |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
January 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
January 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
January 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
January 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
November/December 2023
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 7 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
December 5 |
Notice |
SBHE Post-Tenure Ad Hoc Committee |
November 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
November 7 |
Notice |
NDUS Presidential Compensation Study Committee |
November 7 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Envision 2035 |
November 1 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
September 2023
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
September 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
Joint Boards Annual Meeting |
September 26 |
Agenda |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
September 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
September 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
September 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
September 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Presidential Compensation Study Committee |
September 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Post-Tenure Ad Hoc Committee |
September 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
September 7 |
Notice |
July/August 2023
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
August 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
August 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Ad Hoc Post-tenure Committee Meeting |
August 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
August 7 |
Notice |
SBHE Ad Hoc Post-tenure Committee Meeting |
July 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Presidential Compensation Study Committee |
July 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
June 2023
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
June 27 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education Social |
June 26 |
Notice |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
June 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
June 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
June 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Special SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDUS Artificial Intelligence Forum |
June 15 |
Notice |
SBHE Ad Hoc Committee Meeting |
June 14 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Efficiency and Opportunity Ad Hoc Committee |
June 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
April 2023
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
April 27 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
April 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research/Governance Committee |
April 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
April 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
April 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Artificial Intelligence Forum |
April 4 |
Notice |
SBHE Efficiency and Opportunity Ad Hoc Committee |
April 3 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
January 2023
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
January 26 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Social |
January 25 |
Notice |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
November/December 2022
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
December 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 8 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Ad Hoc Committee |
November 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
November 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
November 16 |
Cancelled |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
May 2022
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
May 26 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
Notice of the State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) Retreat |
May 25 |
Agenda |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
May 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
May 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
May 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
May 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
April 2022
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
April 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
April 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
April 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
April 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
April 19 |
Cancelled |
March 2022
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
March 31 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Social |
March 30 |
Notice |
College Technical Education Council |
March 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
March 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
March 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
March 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
March 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDSCS Presidential Search Committee |
March 2-9 |
Agenda |
Notice of Attendance to Open Forum(s) |
March 2-8 |
Agenda |
February 2022
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
February 23 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
February 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
February 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
February 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
February 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDSCS Presidential Search Committee |
January 2022
NDSU Presidential Search Committee |
Jan. 26-28/Feb. 2-3 |
Agenda |
Notice of Attendance to Open Forum(s) |
Jan. 26-28/Feb. 2-3 |
Agenda |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
January 27 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
January 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
January 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
January 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDSU Presidential Search Committee |
January 5, 6 & 7 |
Agenda |
NDSCS Presidential Search Committee |
January 20 |
Agenda |
November/December 2021
SBHE Special Research and Governance Committee |
December 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 9 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
NDSU Presidential Search Committee |
December 8 |
Agenda |
SBHE Special Budget and Finance Committee |
December 7 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
November 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
November 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
October 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
October 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Audit Committee |
October 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
October 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
October 19 |
Cancelled |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
October 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
NDSCS Presidential Search Committee |
October 12 |
Agenda |
College Technical Education Council |
October 5 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
September 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
September 30 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Social |
September 29 |
Notice |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
September 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
September 13 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
September 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
September 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Joint Boards |
September 21 |
Agenda |
NDSU Presidential Search Committee |
September 14 |
Agenda |
June/July/August 2021
Special State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
August 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
Special State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
July 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Special Research and Governance Committee(research portion only) |
July 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Special Budget and Finance Committee |
July 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
June 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) Social Notice |
June 28 |
Notice |
SBHE Special Audit Committee |
June 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
June 22 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
June 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
June 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
April 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
April 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Social |
April 28 |
Notice |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
April 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
April 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
April 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
April 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
WSC Presidential Search Committee |
April 9 |
Agenda |
WSC Presidential Search Committee |
April 6 – 8 |
Agenda |
March 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
March 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
March 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
March 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
March 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
March 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
WSC Presidential Search Committee |
March 15-16 |
Agenda |
February 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
February 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
WSC Presidential Search Committee |
February 24 |
Agenda |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
February 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
Cancelled |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
February 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
February 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
January 2021
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
January 28 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
January 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
January 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
January 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
January 19 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
November/December 2020
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
December 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
December 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
WSC Presidential Search Meeting |
December 1 |
Agenda |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
November 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
November 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
November 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
November 17 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
October 2020
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
October 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
October 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
October 20 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
September 2020
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
September 24 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Retreat/Training |
Postponed TBD |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
September 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
September 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
September 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
September 15 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
June/July/August 2020
Special State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
August 27 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Research and Governance Committee |
August 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Special State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
July 23 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
June 30 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
Special SBHE Audit Committee |
June 29 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Audit Committee |
June 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Special Budget and Finance Committee |
June 26 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Special Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
June 24 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
June 16 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Special SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
June 11 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Governance and Research Committee |
June 10 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
March 2020
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
March 26 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Governance Committee |
March 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
cancelled |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
cancelled |
SBHE Audit Committee |
March 12 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
BSC Presidential Search |
March 2 -5 |
Agenda |
February 2020
State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) |
February 25 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Media |
SBHE Governance Committee |
February 21 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Academic and Student Affairs Committee |
February 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
SBHE Budget and Finance Committee |
February 18 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
BSC Presidential Search |
February 20-21 |
Agenda |
Other SBHE Committee Meetings