Campus Career Opportunities

Campus Employment Opportunities

Please know that we are transitioning between applicant tracking systems, and this list may be incomplete.
Please check career pages for individual institutions below to view all opportunities.

Institution Location Department Full/Part-Time Position Title Posted On Closing On
BUSINESS_UNIT HRS_JOB_OPENING_ID Job Class STUDENT Institution Location Department Full/Part-Time Position Title Posted On Closing On Desired Start Date DEPTID HRS_PRM_POSITION HRS_JO_MIN_RT HRS_JO_MAX_RT APP_VISIBLE HRS_JO_PST_SEQ Apply
BSC01 2,921,885 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean Humanities,Arts,Sciences Part-Time Part-time Instr/Adjunct 07/27/2020 2,102 11,089 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,930,991 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Current & Emerging Tec Part-Time Adjunct Cybersecurity Instructor 07/28/2021 2,105 103,193 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,948,968 9855 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Food Service Part-Time Food Service (Temp) 08/07/2023 02/20/2025 3,050 104,520 16 16 B 1
BSC01 2,950,859 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Current & Emerging Tec Part-Time Adjunct Associate Professor - Heavy Equipment Operator Instructor 12/19/2023 2,105 105,923 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,951,145 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Automation, Energy, & Adv Tech Part-Time Automation, Energy, & Advanced Technologies Part-time Instr/Adjunct 02/09/2024 3,200 105,910 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,951,476 9850 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Buildings and Grounds Part-Time Custodian (Part-time temp, non-benefited) 06/11/2024 02/20/2025 3,030 11,076 16 16 B 1
BSC01 2,952,183 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck ADN Program Part-Time Nursing Adjunct Instructor 01/23/2025 2,315 27,490 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,954,334 9400 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Public Affairs Part-Time Video Production Assistant II (temp) 08/09/2024 02/20/2025 1,025 105,339 21 21 B 1
BSC01 2,954,472 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Current & Emerging Tec Part-Time Adjunct Graphic Design & Communications Instructor 08/28/2024 2,105 105,923 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,954,544 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean Humanities,Arts,Sciences Part-Time Chemistry Adjunct Instructor 09/12/2024 2,102 105,918 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,954,545 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Current & Emerging Tec Part-Time Precision Ag, Tech, and Natural Resources Adjunct Instructor 09/12/2024 2,105 103,193 34 47 1
BSC01 2,954,730 9850 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Buildings and Grounds Part-Time Grounds Maintenance Worker - Year Round (PTT) 10/21/2024 02/23/2025 3,030 12,320 18 18 B 1
BSC01 2,954,767 9711 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Food Service Part-Time Food Service Cashier (Temp) 10/28/2024 02/28/2025 3,050 106,363 16 16 B 1
BSC01 2,954,771 2110 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Automation, Energy, & Adv Tech Full-Time Instructor of Practice - Electrical Lineworker 10/30/2024 3,200 11,000 51,174 63,968 B 1
BSC01 2,954,803 9871 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Athletics Part-Time Bus Driver (Part-time) 11/06/2024 03/05/2025 1,050 24,740 7 7 B 1
BSC01 2,954,827 9800 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Distance Ed & Learning Part-Time Assistant Tutoring Center Lead (Temp) 11/12/2024 02/17/2025 2,015 105,303 18 18 B 1
BSC01 2,954,887 9800 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Automation, Energy, & Adv Tech Part-Time 3D Printing Adjunct Instructor 11/22/2024 3,200 26,384 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,955,226 4115 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck BSC Campus Police Department Full-Time Campus Police Officer 01/22/2025 02/17/2025 2,740 106,051 22 27 B 1
BSC01 2,956,252 1105 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Automation, Energy, & Adv Tech Full-Time Registered Apprenticeships Done Right (RADaR) Project Director 01/23/2025 02/27/2025 3,200 105,454 64,080 80,105 B 1
BSC01 2,956,285 6125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Automotive Technology Full-Time Automotive Technology Support Specialist 02/05/2025 02/18/2025 2,210 10,859 16 19 B 1
BSC01 2,956,307 2125 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Dean of Current & Emerging Tec Part-Time Automotive Technician Adjunct Instructor 02/07/2025 2,105 103,193 34 47 B 1
BSC01 2,956,342 9855 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Food Service Part-Time Catering Assistant (Temp) 02/11/2025 02/24/2025 3,050 11,080 16 16 B 1
BSC01 2,956,353 4105 Regular Bismarck State College Bismarck Human Resources Full-Time Payroll Coordinator 02/14/2025 02/27/2025 1,030 10,979 40,451 50,564 B 1
MISUB 2,956,255 2115 Regular Dakota College at Bottineau Bottineau Health Professions Full-Time Nurse Instructor 01/24/2025 2,290 102,466 58,850 62,333 1
MISUB 2,956,257 2105 Regular Dakota College at Bottineau Bottineau Health Professions Full-Time Nurse Instructor 01/24/2025 2,290 102,649 58,850 62,333 B 1
MISUB 2,956,261 2125 Regular Dakota College at Bottineau Fargo Health Professions Part-Time Nursing Faculty (MSN) - Valley City (Fargo Area) 01/24/2025 2,290 13,250 40 40 1
MISUB 2,956,329 2125 Regular Dakota College at Bottineau Minot Health Professions Part-Time Part Time Nursing Faculty, Minot Area 02/10/2025 2,290 13,250 35 40 1
DSU01 2,949,186 2215 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant Men's Wrestling 08/25/2023 1,400 12,589 150 150 1
DSU01 2,949,781 9871 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Athletics Part-Time Temporary Bus Driver 12/12/2023 1,400 105,120 160 160 B 1
DSU01 2,951,918 2125 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of Business & Entrepren Part-Time Adjunct Faculty for the School of Business and Entrepreneurship 06/04/2024 2,235 106,159 650 1,050 B 1
DSU01 2,954,265 2215 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson University Relations Part-Time Graduate Assistant University Relations 08/01/2024 1,200 100,306 700 700 B 1
DSU01 2,954,266 2215 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Enrollment Management Part-Time Graduate Assistant Admissions 08/01/2024 1,500 12,155 750 750 1
DSU01 2,954,371 2215 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant - Volleyball 08/14/2024 1,400 12,291 1,000 1,000 1
DSU01 2,954,643 2110 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of AS - Nursing Full-Time Assistant Professor(s) of Nursing, tenure track, salary DOE 10/02/2024 2,170 28,000 60,000 80,000 B 1
DSU01 2,954,702 2110 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of Business & Entrepren Full-Time Assistant Professor of Business 10/11/2024 2,235 11,880 55,000 65,000 B 1
DSU01 2,954,707 2215 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Enrollment Management Part-Time Graduate Assistant ESports 10/15/2024 1,500 23,356 250 250 B 1
DSU01 2,954,782 3405 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of AS - Nursing Full-Time Nursing Program Office Coordinator 10/31/2024 2,170 106,368 40,000 44,000 B 1
DSU01 2,954,868 2125 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of Professional Studies Part-Time Adjunct Faculty for the CTE Program 11/20/2024 2,193 106,162 650 1,050 B 1
DSU01 2,954,890 4110 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Financial Aid Full-Time Financial Services Technician 11/25/2024 5,110 11,948 40,000 45,000 B 1
DSU01 2,954,912 2110 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of Business & Entrepren Full-Time Assistant Professor of Accounting (non-tenure track, rank dependent upon education and experience) 11/27/2024 2,235 23,767 55,000 65,000 B 1
DSU01 2,954,954 4105 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Office of Business Affairs Full-Time Accounts Payable Technician 12/09/2024 3,101 12,526 35,000 45,000 B 1
DSU01 2,955,034 2100 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Dean-School of Applied Science Full-Time Nursing Program Director 01/02/2025 2,160 12,014 90,000 115,000 B 1
DSU01 2,955,068 0105 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson President Full-Time President 01/08/2025 07/01/2025 1,100 102,637 200,000 250,000 E 1
DSU01 2,955,219 2110 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson School of Applied Sciences Full-Time Assistant Professor in Computer Science (non-tenure track position, rank depends on education and experience) 01/21/2025 2,165 11,870 55,000 62,500 B 1
DSU01 2,956,254 7105 Regular Dickinson State University Dickinson Physical Plant Full-Time Custodian 01/24/2025 3,050 12,072 38,000 40,000 1
LRSC1 2,951,126 2125 Regular Lake Region State College Grand Forks Hlth,CC,SP Needs Instruction Part-Time PT Nursing Instructor-GF 03/04/2024 2,230 11,766 590 690 1
LRSC1 2,952,095 2125 Regular Lake Region State College Grand Forks Academic Affairs Part-Time PT Accounting Instructor (GFAFB) 07/10/2024 2,000 11,855 590 630 1
LRSC1 2,954,269 2125 Regular Lake Region State College Grand Forks Academic Affairs Part-Time PT Political Science Instructor (GFAFB) 08/01/2024 2,000 11,855 590 630 1
LRSC1 2,954,295 9800 Regular Lake Region State College Devils Lake Student Affairs Part-Time PT Professional Nursing Tutor 08/05/2024 5,000 11,765 20 20 1
LRSC1 2,954,456 9871 Regular Lake Region State College Devils Lake Student Affairs Part-Time PT Bus Driver 08/26/2024 5,000 23,322 14 14 1
LRSC1 2,954,471 2125 Regular Lake Region State College Jamestown Hlth,CC,SP Needs Instruction Part-Time PT Nursing Instructor-Jamestown 08/28/2024 2,230 105,566 30 50 1
LRSC1 2,954,513 2105 Regular Lake Region State College Mayville Hlth,CC,SP Needs Instruction Full-Time Nursing Instructor 09/03/2024 2,230 101,379 56,600 86,700 1
LRSC1 2,954,935 2125 Regular Lake Region State College Grand Forks Academic Instruction Part-Time PT Sociology Instructor 12/04/2024 2,200 11,781 590 690 1
MASU1 2,948,248 2125 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Biology Part-Time Science & Math Adjunct-Non Benefited 04/21/2023 2,530 105,067 1 1 B 1
MASU1 2,951,536 9856 Regular Mayville State University Hillsboro Child Development Programs Part-Time Part-time Childcare Worker - Hillsboro/Central Valley 04/23/2024 2,060 9,251 16 19 B 1
MASU1 2,951,539 9856 Regular Mayville State University Grand Forks Child Development Programs Part-Time Part-time Childcare Worker - Grand Forks 04/23/2024 2,060 27,947 16 19 B 1
MASU1 2,952,114 4405 Regular Mayville State University Grand Forks Child Development Programs Full-Time Lead Teacher - Preschool - Grand Forks 07/16/2024 2,060 9,081 43,487 50,100 B 1
MASU1 2,954,194 0105 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Enrollment Services Full-Time Vice President of Enrollment Management 08/03/2024 5,200 10,574 108,497 151,896 1
MASU1 2,954,294 4405 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Child Development Programs Full-Time Lead Teacher - Preschool - Mayville 08/06/2024 2,060 9,119 43,487 51,100 B 1
MASU1 2,954,296 4405 Regular Mayville State University Grand Forks Child Development Programs Full-Time Lead Teacher - Infant/Toddler - Grand Forks 08/06/2024 2,060 9,103 42,488 57,310 B 1
MASU1 2,954,570 9800 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Div Health, Phy Ed & Rec Part-Time (T) Swim Instructor 09/17/2024 2,400 104,630 16 16 1
MASU1 2,954,633 9855 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Food Service Part-Time (T) Dining Services 10/01/2024 3,500 24,626 12 15 B 1
MASU1 2,954,713 2105 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Mathematics Full-Time Assistant/Associate Professor of Mathematics 10/23/2024 2,510 9,111 53,828 75,359 B 1
MASU1 2,954,750 3415 Regular Mayville State University Devils Lake Enrollment Services Full-Time Online Enrollment Specialist - LRSC 12/04/2024 5,200 12,454 36,460 51,044 1
MASU1 2,954,907 9856 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Child Development Programs Part-Time Part-time Childcare Worker - Mayville 11/27/2024 2,060 9,503 17 19 B 1
MASU1 2,954,998 9800 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Athletic Admin Part-Time Head Cross Country Coach (Part-time) 12/18/2024 1,300 104,194 16,298 22,818 B 1
MASU1 2,956,292 7110 Regular Mayville State University Grand Forks Child Development Programs Full-Time Float - Grand Forks 02/10/2025 2,060 27,539 36,212 39,000 1
MASU1 2,956,316 9855 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Food Service Part-Time Baker (Part-time) 02/10/2025 3,500 12,381 16 22 B 1
MASU1 2,956,326 6115 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Physical Plant Full-Time Grounds Crew/Heating Plant Operator 02/10/2025 3,200 27,005 38,175 53,445 1
MASU1 2,956,327 2125 Regular Mayville State University Mayville Education Part-Time Library Media Information Science Adjunct 02/11/2025 2,202 9,049 50 1,000 B 1
MISU1 2,922,748 2100 Regular Minot State University Minot Addiction St/Psych/Social Work Full-Time Assistant Professor of Addiction Studies and Psychology 09/30/2024 2,410 12,723 48,280 65,320 1
MISU1 2,933,110 2210 Regular Minot State University Minot Communication Disorders Part-Time Graduate Assistant 01/16/2025 2,420 22,957 1,370 1,370 B 1
MISU1 2,933,355 2220 Regular Minot State University Minot Academic Support Center Part-Time Access Services Grad Assistant 06/03/2024 2,195 12,750 17 17 B 1
MISU1 2,937,512 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant Coach (Men's Wrestling) 06/13/2024 1,200 101,372 6,500 6,500 B 1
MISU1 2,937,671 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant Coach (Women's Volleyball) 02/10/2025 1,200 101,372 5,000 5,000 B 1
MISU1 2,939,513 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant Coach (Football) 12/30/2024 1,200 101,372 6,500 6,500 1
MISU1 2,939,666 2105 Regular Minot State University Minot Addiction St/Psych/Social Work Full-Time Assistant Professor, School Psychology 06/04/2024 2,410 12,958 58,000 68,000 1
MISU1 2,941,590 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant for Sports Information 10/01/2024 1,200 101,372 5,000 5,000 B 1
MISU1 2,942,672 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant Coach (Softball) 07/29/2024 1,200 101,372 6,500 6,500 1
MISU1 2,943,076 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant for Marketing & Promotions & Tickets 02/12/2025 1,200 101,372 5,000 5,000 1
MISU1 2,943,885 9815 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Game Day Sports Operations 06/18/2024 1,200 13,404 10 10 1
MISU1 2,944,170 9800 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Athletic Administration Internship 02/13/2025 1,200 24,686 10 10 1
MISU1 2,945,676 9815 Regular Minot State University Minot Performing Arts Part-Time Temp-Symphony/Music 08/16/2024 2,260 13,257 10 10 B 1
MISU1 2,948,147 2210 Regular Minot State University Minot Sch Business/Math/Technology Part-Time SOBMT - Graduate Research Assistant (GA) 09/01/2024 2,300 25,927 1,370 1,370 1
MISU1 2,948,761 9800 Regular Minot State University Minot Teacher Licensure Programs Part-Time P/T University Supervisor 11/01/2024 2,440 13,286 500 500 B 1
MISU1 2,949,021 9815 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Temporary-Athletic Training Game/Practice Assistant 01/28/2025 1,200 13,404 10 10 1
MISU1 2,949,380 2110 Regular Minot State University Minot Math & Computer Science Full-Time Asst Professor of Cybersecurity Operations 09/30/2024 2,250 105,683 70,500 79,000 B 1
MISU1 2,949,564 2125 Regular Minot State University Minot Math & Computer Science Part-Time Adjunct Faculty Member - Dual Credit Math Instructor 11/01/2024 2,250 22,960 2,863 2,863 B 1
MISU1 2,951,497 2220 Regular Minot State University Minot Teacher Education &Kinesiology Part-Time Graduate Assistant - Education and Inclusive Services 04/16/2024 2,450 13,233 1,370 1,370 B 1
MISU1 2,951,507 2125 Regular Minot State University Minot Science Part-Time Adjunct Faculty Member: Geology 04/18/2024 2,270 22,962 2,863 2,863 B 1
MISU1 2,951,754 2215 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Graduate Assistant for Athletic Broadcasting and Video Production 05/09/2024 08/26/2024 1,200 101,372 6,500 6,500 B 1
MISU1 2,951,900 9815 Regular Minot State University Minot Athletics Part-Time Athletics Public Address Announcer 05/30/2024 1,200 13,404 10 10 B 1
MISU1 2,954,699 9800 Regular Minot State University Minot Academic Support Center Part-Time Part Time Access Services Assistant 10/11/2024 2,195 13,305 15 15 B 1
MISU1 2,954,877 3105 Regular Minot State University Minot ND Center For Persons w Disab Full-Time NDCPD Finance Specialist 11/21/2024 2,700 28,555 50,000 58,000 B 1
MISU1 2,954,950 9800 Regular Minot State University Minot Human Resources Part-Time Human Resources Assistant - Part Time 01/22/2025 3,050 24,412 20 23 1
MISU1 2,955,036 5205 Regular Minot State University Minot Nursing Full-Time BSN Completion Administrative Assistant and Simulation Assistant 01/03/2025 2,515 28,282 35,000 40,000 B 1
MISU1 2,955,052 2421 Regular Minot State University Bismarck ND Center For Persons w Disab Full-Time TDPP Regional Housing Facilitator – Bismarck 01/07/2025 2,700 23,923 47,940 54,679 B 1
MISU1 2,955,054 2421 Regular Minot State University Bismarck ND Center For Persons w Disab Full-Time TDPP Regional Housing Facilitator - Bismarck 01/07/2025 2,700 106,330 47,940 54,679 B 1
MISU1 2,956,282 2110 Regular Minot State University Minot Behavioral Sciences & Crim Jst Full-Time Assistant Professor of Psychology 01/30/2025 2,465 12,703 55,800 65,750 B 1
MISU1 2,956,304 2125 Regular Minot State University Minot Humanities, Soc Sci, & Interdi Part-Time Spanish Adjunct Instructor - Part Time 02/04/2025 2,290 13,271 1,370 1,370 B 1
MISU1 2,956,321 2125 Regular Minot State University Minot Behavioral Sciences & Crim Jst Part-Time Psychology Adjunct Faculty Member 02/06/2025 2,465 13,268 2,830 2,830 B 1
NDSCS 2,947,918 7105 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Building Services Technician 10/15/2024 3,800 11,156 21,372 52,063 1
NDSCS 2,949,527 2125 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Divisional-Instruction Part-Time Part-time Academic Instructor (Adjunct Faculty) 11/14/2023 2,000 101,872 15 15 B 1
NDSCS 2,951,734 9800 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Human Resources Part-Time Generic Employment Application (part-time, non-benefited) 05/07/2024 1,110 11,470 7 15 B 1
NDSCS 2,951,855 2115 Regular ND State College of Science Fargo Division of Transportation Full-Time Aviation Maintenance Technology Instructor and Program Coordinator 10/30/2024 2,380 101,670 52,135 91,485 B 1
NDSCS 2,952,059 4115 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Campus Police Full-Time NDSCS Police Officer 07/10/2024 3,580 11,392 49,972 82,302 B 1
NDSCS 2,952,080 2110 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Health Information Technician Full-Time Health Information Instructor 07/03/2024 2,150 101,673 52,135 91,485 B 1
NDSCS 2,952,173 6125 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Building Services Technician/General Maintenance 07/17/2024 3,800 11,332 30,714 63,435 1
NDSCS 2,954,578 2125 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Divisional-Instruction Part-Time Part-time Academic Instructor (Adjunct Faculty) - Online 09/19/2024 2,000 101,872 15 15 B 1
NDSCS 2,954,829 2125 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton HVAC Systems Part-Time Part-time Academic Instructor - HVAC/R Technology 11/13/2024 2,392 24,744 15 15 B 1
NDSCS 2,955,053 9800 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Building Construction Tech Part-Time Assistant Production Coordinator (part-time, non-benefitted) 01/07/2025 2,312 101,628 17 17 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,268 6115 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Heating Plant Operator 01/29/2025 3,800 11,436 35,412 59,016 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,276 3115 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Maintenance & Utilities Manager 01/29/2025 3,800 11,328 49,956 83,256 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,288 5210 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Accounts Payable & Records Specialist 01/31/2025 3,800 11,383 32,752 56,035 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,298 5210 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Facilities Management Full-Time Facilities Management Office Assistant 02/04/2025 3,800 24,495 32,752 56,035 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,314 9820 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Campus Police Part-Time Part-time NDSCS Police Officer 02/05/2025 3,580 100,967 22 25 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,317 5205 Regular ND State College of Science Fargo NDSCS Fargo Full-Time NDSCS-Fargo Administrative Assist 02/07/2025 2,521 101,140 32,752 56,035 B 1
NDSCS 2,956,332 2105 Regular ND State College of Science Wahpeton Division of Transportation Full-Time Diesel Technology Instructor 02/10/2025 2,380 11,417 38,475 98,112 B 1
NDSU1 2,923,361 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Animal Science Part-Time Graduate Research Assistant 12/09/2020 08/09/2021 7,630 21,808 1,583 1,583 B 1
NDSU1 2,923,452 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Civil, Construction & Env Eng Part-Time Temporary General 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 2,470 19,799 9 13 1
NDSU1 2,923,470 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Computer Science Part-Time Graduate/Doctoral Research Assistant 12/18/2020 2,455 102,665 325 1,500 B 1
NDSU1 2,923,472 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Computer Science Part-Time Graduate/Doctoral Teaching Assistant 12/18/2020 2,455 102,211 400 1,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,924,797 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Animal Science Part-Time Doctoral Grad Research Asst 03/29/2021 08/30/2021 7,630 19,724 2,166 2,166 B 1
NDSU1 2,927,639 9815 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Wellness Center Part-Time Non Student - Life Guard 09/10/2024 3,450 103,026 13 13 B 1
NDSU1 2,927,847 9855 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Part-Time Temp Dining RDC 06/01/2021 3,410 22,386 12 12 B 1
NDSU1 2,927,849 9855 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Part-Time Temp Dining WDC/Bake/Sal 06/01/2021 3,410 22,390 12 12 B 1
NDSU1 2,927,853 9855 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Part-Time Temp Dining UDC/Retail 06/01/2021 3,410 22,384 12 12 B 1
NDSU1 2,929,377 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Animal Science Part-Time Temporary Laboratory 07/08/2021 7,630 24,773 16 16 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,216 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Human Dev and Family Science Part-Time Doctoral Grad Teaching Assist 08/06/2021 08/16/2021 2,615 25,252 1,388 1,388 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,412 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Chemistry and Biochemistry Part-Time Doctoral Grad Research Asst/Chemistry and Biochemistry 08/11/2021 08/16/2021 2,735 28,272 1,833 1,833 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,413 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Chemistry and Biochemistry Part-Time Doctoral Grad Research Asst/Chemistry and Biochemistry 08/11/2021 08/16/2021 2,735 25,036 1,833 1,833 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,417 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Chemistry and Biochemistry Part-Time Doctoral Grad Research Asst/Chemistry and Biochemistry 08/11/2021 08/16/2021 2,735 102,470 1,833 1,833 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,585 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Civil, Construction & Env Eng Part-Time Doctoral Graduate Teachng Asst Sultan 08/17/2021 08/20/2021 2,470 103,773 1,400 1,400 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,624 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Civil, Construction & Env Eng Part-Time Doctoral Grad Research Asst Khanaum 08/17/2021 08/20/2021 2,470 25,057 276 276 B 1
NDSU1 2,931,678 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Computer Science Part-Time Graduate Research Assistant -- Hance 08/19/2021 08/23/2021 2,455 20,654 378 378 B 2
NDSU1 2,931,740 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Computer Science Part-Time Doctoral Graduate Teachng Assistant Tutor - Bhardwaj 08/20/2021 08/23/2021 2,455 18,860 500 500 B 1
NDSU1 2,932,877 2210 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext Animal Science Part-Time Graduate Research Assistant 08/25/2021 7,130 22,869 1,500 1,500 1
NDSU1 2,936,656 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Coatings & Polymeric Materials Part-Time Temporary Laboratory - CPM 10/07/2021 10/15/2021 2,760 23,842 200 200 E 1
NDSU1 2,937,507 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Plant Science Part-Time Plant Sciences Department - Temporary General 12/06/2021 7,670 18,555 10 13 B 1
NDSU1 2,942,727 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Computer Science Full-Time Temporary General - Bernard 05/09/2022 2,455 23,774 33 33 1
NDSU1 2,942,807 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Public Health Part-Time Temporary General - DPH 05/12/2022 2,662 102,374 10 20 B 1
NDSU1 2,946,433 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Theatre Arts Part-Time Temporary General 01/12/2023 02/01/2023 2,336 23,840 18 18 B 1
NDSU1 2,947,794 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Chemistry and Biochemistry Part-Time Chemistry Temporary Laboratory 02/16/2023 2,735 22,298 14,500 14,500 B 1
NDSU1 2,947,936 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Coatings & Polymeric Materials Part-Time Temporary Laboratory - SURE/USURE (2023) 05/09/2023 05/30/2023 2,760 23,842 15 15 B 1
NDSU1 2,948,068 4310 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Full-Time NDSU Dickinson Research Ext - Ag Research Technician 10/24/2023 7,810 21,879 39,520 52,000 1
NDSU1 2,948,156 3310 Regular North Dakota State University Walhalla North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Forest Stewardship Specialist 05/30/2024 1,100 25,617 45,825 50,000 1
NDSU1 2,949,034 2215 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo School of Design, Arch + Art Part-Time Grad Service Assistant 08/13/2023 08/16/2023 2,520 104,685 924 924 B 1
NDSU1 2,949,037 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo School of Design, Arch + Art Part-Time Graduate Teaching Assistant 08/13/2023 08/16/2023 2,520 104,690 693 693 B 1
NDSU1 2,949,038 2220 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo School of Design, Arch + Art Part-Time Graduate Teaching Assistant 08/13/2023 08/16/2023 2,520 104,688 693 693 B 1
NDSU1 2,949,556 9805 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Family HealthCare Pharm South Part-Time Relief Pharmacist (PRN hours) South Pharmacy 11/01/2023 2,676 22,326 60 60 B 2
NDSU1 2,950,934 4310 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Full-Time CREC Agronomy Research Technician 01/08/2024 7,870 26,273 38,000 46,000 1
NDSU1 2,950,981 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Minot AES North Central R/E Ctr Full-Time NDSU-NCREC Temporary Seasonal Research Assistant 01/10/2024 7,850 101,290 17 25 B 1
NDSU1 2,951,118 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Agronomy Dept-Temporary Farming - Machinery 02/06/2024 7,810 22,633 16 16 1
NDSU1 2,951,268 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext Animal Science Full-Time Beef Cattle Specialist/ Assistant Professor 01/13/2025 10/01/2024 7,130 20,184 60,000 100,000 1
NDSU1 2,951,327 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Human Dev and Family Science Part-Time Visting Scholar (Gomes) 03/15/2024 2,682 22,032 22,000 22,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,951,409 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Full-Time Assistant Professor - Natural Resources 10/08/2024 7,680 20,977 72,000 85,000 1
NDSU1 2,951,564 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Plant Science Full-Time Tmp-Plant Sci Exchange/Intern 04/26/2024 7,670 106,037 2,000 5,000 1
NDSU1 2,951,603 2120 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Agribusiness and Applied Econ Full-Time Lecturer 12/10/2024 2,210 106,107 60,000 65,000 1
NDSU1 2,951,794 4310 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Full-Time CREC Livestock Research Technician 05/17/2024 7,870 105,436 38,000 50,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,951,876 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Agribusiness & Appld Econ Full-Time Research Assistant Professor, International Economics 10/25/2024 7,610 106,151 50,000 65,000 1
NDSU1 2,951,972 3310 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Animal Science Full-Time Physiology Lab Manager Animal Sciences 06/14/2024 07/01/2024 7,630 27,421 52,000 70,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,951,995 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Full-Time Assistant Professor - Applied Soil Physics & Hydrology 06/26/2024 7,680 18,906 72,000 85,000 1
NDSU1 2,952,167 2125 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Civil, Construction & Env Eng Part-Time NDSU Temp Part-time Academic Staff 07/17/2024 2,470 24,178 1,778 2,000 1
NDSU1 2,952,174 2125 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo School of Education Part-Time Part-time Academic Staff 07/19/2024 01/02/2025 2,525 101,530 1,500 4,500 1
NDSU1 2,954,183 9830 Regular North Dakota State University Towner North Dakota Forest Service Part-Time Temporary Forest Nursery Employee 07/22/2024 1,100 22,637 14 20 E 1
NDSU1 2,954,201 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext Ag & Biosystem Eng Full-Time Extension Ag Engineer/Assistant Professor 01/30/2025 7,120 19,682 89,000 97,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,217 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Animal Science Full-Time Equine Equipment Operator (Eck) 07/26/2024 2,230 106,158 14 25 1
NDSU1 2,954,410 4115 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Univ Police & Safety Office Full-Time Police Officer 08/22/2024 09/16/2024 3,300 26,852 53,000 60,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,413 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Ranch Student Internship 08/19/2024 7,810 22,633 15 15 1
NDSU1 2,954,450 2105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext Animal Science Full-Time Assistant or Associate Professor-Extension Veterinarian 08/27/2024 01/02/2025 7,130 28,526 90,000 150,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,453 9872 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Part-Time Temp Dining Catering 08/30/2024 3,410 103,509 15 17 1
NDSU1 2,954,510 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Plant Science Part-Time NDSU Temporary - Plant Sciences - Lab,Greenhouse,Field 02/06/2025 06/29/2025 7,670 24,788 12 17 1
NDSU1 2,954,587 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext County Programs Full-Time NDSU Temp: NDSU Extension Intern 09/20/2024 7,030 104,575 2,880 2,880 1
NDSU1 2,954,620 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Coatings & Polymeric Materials Part-Time Temporary Laboratory 09/26/2024 2,510 23,842 10 25 1
NDSU1 2,954,696 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Nursing Full-Time School of Nursing - Assistant Professor of Practice or Assistant Professor for FNP/DNP Program 12/03/2024 2,670 25,312 74,000 85,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,701 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Nursing Full-Time Assistant Professor of Practice or Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Post-Master’s Adult/Gerontology Acute Care Program 10/29/2024 2,670 102,399 90,000 125,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,714 2120 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Animal Science Full-Time Animal Science Lecturer/Livestock Judging Team Coach 10/21/2024 01/06/2025 2,230 103,575 55,000 65,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,724 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Agribusiness & Appld Econ Full-Time Senior Research Economist and Associate Director 10/23/2024 7,610 106,341 125,000 175,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,728 2420 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Agribusiness & Appld Econ Full-Time Research Scientist/Senior Research Economist 10/23/2024 7,610 106,342 70,000 100,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,743 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Agribusiness & Appld Econ Full-Time Senior Research Economist and Program Leader 10/23/2024 7,610 106,347 85,000 125,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,744 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Agribusiness & Appld Econ Full-Time Senior Research Economist and Program Leader 10/23/2024 7,610 106,349 85,000 125,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,757 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Plant Pathology Full-Time Research Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics Plant Pathology) 11/14/2024 01/02/2025 7,660 20,668 65,000 90,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,762 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Williston AES Williston R/E Ctr Full-Time NDSU Temp Office Administrative / Clerical 11/04/2024 10/24/2025 7,860 101,041 20 30 1
NDSU1 2,954,762 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Williston AES Williston R/E Ctr Full-Time NDSU Temp Office Administrative / Clerical 11/04/2024 11/01/2025 7,860 101,041 20 30 1
NDSU1 2,954,763 2510 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext HNES Full-Time Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Lead Program Coordinator/Food & Nutrition Lead Program Coordinator and Community Health & Nutrition Specialist 11/25/2024 7,270 26,579 65,000 90,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,780 9839 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Facilities Management Full-Time NDSU Temporary Heating Plant Operator 10/31/2024 3,200 22,992 23 30 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,797 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Athletics Part-Time Temporary Athletics Events Staff 11/05/2024 1,200 103,579 11 11 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,824 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Bottineau Ext County Programs Full-Time Extension Agent, Ag & Natural Resources /Bottineau County 01/14/2025 7,030 21,305 50,000 60,296 1
NDSU1 2,954,831 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Grand Forks Ext County Programs Full-Time Extension Agent Ag & Natural Resources/Grand Forks County 01/13/2025 7,030 20,704 50,000 61,683 1
NDSU1 2,954,853 3310 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Forest Health Manager 11/20/2024 1,100 19,964 53,808 61,350 1
NDSU1 2,954,873 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Range Timeslip/Temporary Farming - Machinery 11/20/2024 7,810 22,633 15 15 1
NDSU1 2,954,878 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Mass Communication Internship-Temporary Farming - Machinery 11/21/2024 7,810 22,633 15 15 1
NDSU1 2,954,880 9850 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Horticulture Internship-Temp Custodial/Grounds/Mtnce 11/21/2024 7,810 22,329 15 15 1
NDSU1 2,954,885 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Dickinson AES Dickinson R/E Center Part-Time NDSU Temp-DREC Agronomy Department-Temporary Farming - Machinery 11/21/2024 7,810 22,633 16 16 1
NDSU1 2,954,888 2510 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Full-Time 4-H Next Chapter at NDSU Coordinator 02/11/2025 7,280 106,371 50,000 67,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,904 2240 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Management and Marketing Full-Time Postdoctoral Fellowship (Researcher) in Innovation/Entrepreneurial Ecosystems NSF North Dakota Advanced Agriculture Technology Engine 12/13/2024 2,420 106,134 70,000 90,000 2
NDSU1 2,954,909 4310 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Plant Science Full-Time Ag Research Technician (C. Miranda #2) 01/21/2025 7,670 103,832 40,000 55,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,917 6135 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Facilities Management Full-Time Plumber 01/30/2025 3,200 21,785 47,512 63,350 1
NDSU1 2,954,926 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Williston AES Williston R/E Ctr Part-Time Temporary Farming - Machinery 12/01/2024 7,860 22,323 18 30 1
NDSU1 2,954,940 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Fessenden Ext County Programs Full-Time Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources/Wells County 02/07/2025 7,030 20,358 50,000 60,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,955 9850 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Part-Time CREC Temp Custodial/Grounds/Mtnce 12/09/2024 7,870 22,095 20 25 1
NDSU1 2,954,958 2420 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Electrical & Computer Engineer Full-Time Engineering Research Fellow 01/07/2025 02/28/2025 2,480 106,390 71,000 82,000 1
NDSU1 2,954,967 9846 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Forest Health - 2025 Seasonal Forestry Technician 12/11/2024 1,100 105,179 21 21 1
NDSU1 2,954,984 2100 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Pharmaceutical Sciences Full-Time Professor & COBRE Director 01/02/2025 2,665 24,315 150,000 171,300 B 1
NDSU1 2,954,986 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo School of Design, Arch + Art Full-Time Assistant Professor - Architecture 12/27/2024 08/01/2025 2,520 19,635 65,000 70,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,002 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Physics Part-Time Temporary Laboratory Research 12/19/2024 12/30/2026 2,542 101,375 12 30 1
NDSU1 2,955,004 9877 Regular North Dakota State University Bismarck North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Crewmember Firefighter-seasonal 6 month position 12/20/2024 1,100 102,398 21 22 1
NDSU1 2,955,005 9877 Regular North Dakota State University Bismarck North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Senior Firefighter-seasonal 6 month position 12/20/2024 1,100 22,439 24 25 1
NDSU1 2,955,007 9877 Regular North Dakota State University Bismarck North Dakota Forest Service Full-Time Engine Captain-seasonal 6 month position 12/20/2024 1,100 106,013 26 27 1
NDSU1 2,955,010 7110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Center for Child Development Full-Time Teacher Aide 12/23/2024 3,142 105,256 31,000 33,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,013 9826 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Main Station Farm Full-Time Dairy Barn Temporary Farming-Non-Machinery 12/20/2024 01/03/2025 7,631 106,394 14 16 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,023 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Full-Time Research Assistant Professor 01/02/2025 7,680 106,376 72,000 85,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,026 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext HNES Full-Time Extension Agent, Family Nutrition Program 01/02/2025 7,270 100,182 50,000 54,628 1
NDSU1 2,955,044 2450 Regular North Dakota State University Langdon AES Langdon R/E Ctr Full-Time Research Agronomist 01/09/2025 7,840 19,599 80,000 95,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,050 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Psychology Full-Time Assistant Professor 01/13/2025 2,546 23,633 67,500 70,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,058 2240 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Electrical & Computer Engineer Full-Time Post Doc Research Fellow 01/13/2025 2,480 105,406 48,000 55,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,062 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Washburn Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Part-Time NDSU Temp North Dakota 4-H Camp Assistant Cook 01/08/2025 7,280 22,279 500 600 1
NDSU1 2,955,064 7115 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Full-Time Lead Food Service Worker - Dishroom 01/09/2025 3,410 19,221 18 21 1
NDSU1 2,955,066 4310 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Full-Time CREC Foundation Seedstocks Technician 01/09/2025 7,870 101,050 45,000 52,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,069 7115 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Dining Full-Time Food Service Worker 01/14/2025 3,410 19,766 16 18 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,072 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Washburn Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Part-Time NDSU Temp North Dakota 4-H Camp Cook- 2025 Camp Season 01/16/2025 7,280 22,279 1,200 1,200 1
NDSU1 2,955,078 3415 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Residence Life Full-Time Hall Director 01/13/2025 3,430 20,486 44,000 47,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,088 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Office of Teaching & Learning Full-Time Temp OTL-Teaching Assist 01/21/2025 06/04/2025 2,020 106,404 25 30 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,197 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Ext L&CE Full-Time Extension Leadership and Civic Engagement Program Coordinator 01/16/2025 7,390 27,930 50,000 65,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,201 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Washburn Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Full-Time NDSU Temp 2025 ND 4-H Camp Programming Assistant 01/16/2025 7,280 22,279 1,200 1,200 1
NDSU1 2,955,205 2111 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Civil, Construction & Env Eng Full-Time Research Assistant Professor 01/29/2025 05/14/2025 2,470 106,418 60,000 62,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,213 3415 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Deans Office, Business Full-Time Business Recruitment Coord 02/04/2025 02/17/2025 2,400 105,737 45,000 65,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,216 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Washburn Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Full-Time NDSU Temp 2025 ND 4-H Camp Nurse 01/21/2025 05/27/2025 7,280 22,279 1,000 1,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,223 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Washburn Ext Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev Full-Time NDSU Temp 2025 ND 4-H Camp Counselor 01/23/2025 11/14/2025 7,280 22,279 1,200 1,200 1
NDSU1 2,955,225 2105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Transp., Logistics, & Finance Full-Time Assistant/ Associate Professor of Practice or Lecturer 01/29/2025 2,440 105,100 75,000 95,000 1
NDSU1 2,955,242 3325 Regular North Dakota State University Hettinger AES Hettinger R/E Ctr Full-Time Wildlife and Range Research Specialist 01/27/2025 02/19/2025 7,830 100,042 45,000 60,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,955,243 3205 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo InformationTechnology Services Full-Time Academic Technology Specialist 02/04/2025 02/18/2025 02/17/2025 4,510 19,036 51,179 60,000 1
NDSU1 2,956,266 2240 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Transp., Logistics, & Finance Full-Time Postdoctoral Fellowship Researcher in Transportation 02/10/2025 03/03/2025 2,440 106,444 50,000 55,000 1
NDSU1 2,956,267 3105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Ag Budget Office Full-Time Business Coordinator (College of Ag) 01/29/2025 02/17/2025 02/24/2025 7,510 105,140 49,000 60,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,270 5105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Family Healthcare Pharmacy Full-Time Pharmacy Customer Service Rep 02/03/2025 02/17/2025 2,675 103,191 40,100 42,800 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,271 2110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Management and Marketing Full-Time Management (HR) Lecturer 02/10/2025 2,420 105,074 75,000 95,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,286 4105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Accounting Service Center Full-Time Accounting Specialist 02/05/2025 02/18/2025 3,104 105,649 43,000 47,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,287 2240 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Chemistry and Biochemistry Full-Time Post Doctoral Research Fellow 02/10/2025 2,508 19,829 45,000 45,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,295 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Athletics Part-Time Football Quality Control 02/04/2025 02/15/2025 1,200 103,870 25 25 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,297 2125 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Transp., Logistics, & Finance Part-Time Part-time Academic Instructor (ALL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS) 02/04/2025 2,440 104,477 5,000 8,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,299 3405 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Deans Office, Business Full-Time Online Teaching Specialist 02/10/2025 02/23/2025 2,400 106,448 75,000 90,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,300 2120 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Management and Marketing Full-Time Marketing Lecturer 02/10/2025 2,420 21,338 75,000 95,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,302 9850 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Facilities Management Full-Time NDSU Temp/Seasonal Summer Landscape Position 02/04/2025 3,200 102,558 13 14 1
NDSU1 2,956,305 3325 Regular North Dakota State University Oakes AES Carrington R/E Ctr Full-Time OIRS Agronomist-Site Manager 02/07/2025 02/20/2025 7,870 105,325 60,000 85,000 1
NDSU1 2,956,311 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Part-Time CREC 2025 AGRONOMY Temporary Farming - Machinery 02/05/2025 7,870 103,494 12 25 1
NDSU1 2,956,312 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Part-Time CREC 2025 PATHOLOGY Temp Farming-Machinery 02/05/2025 04/11/2025 7,870 103,493 12 50 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,313 9825 Regular North Dakota State University Carrington AES Carrington R/E Ctr Full-Time CREC 2025 SOILS-ORG-PRE Temporary Farming - Machinery 02/05/2025 7,870 103,490 12 25 1
NDSU1 2,956,315 2125 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Transp., Logistics, & Finance Part-Time Part-time Academic Staff- AH 02/05/2025 08/16/2025 2,440 104,447 1,133 1,133 1
NDSU1 2,956,318 9846 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Part-Time Soybean & Rangeland Pollinator Research Technician - North Dakota 02/06/2025 02/27/2025 7,680 104,166 16 16 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,319 9846 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Part-Time Wildlife Technician 02/06/2025 02/27/2025 7,680 104,166 16 16 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,320 9846 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Part-Time Rangeland Pollinator Research Technician - North Dakota 02/06/2025 02/27/2025 7,680 104,166 16 16 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,322 9800 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Part-Time Temporary ENT General 02/06/2025 02/19/2025 7,680 103,426 14 14 1
NDSU1 2,956,323 4415 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Admission Full-Time Admission Officer 02/12/2025 02/25/2025 2,832 101,297 37,500 44,224 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,325 6120 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES Main Station Farm Full-Time Motor Vehicle & Ag Equip Mechanic (Animal Science) 02/10/2025 03/02/2025 03/17/2025 7,631 21,654 48,000 55,000 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,331 3325 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo AES School of Nat Res Sciences Full-Time Research Specialist - Soil Science 02/11/2025 03/09/2025 7,680 19,094 44,150 73,583 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,336 1105 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Public Health Full-Time Executive Director - AIPHRC 02/12/2025 02/25/2025 2,662 101,339 62,097 103,496 1
NDSU1 2,956,338 2540 Regular North Dakota State University Bismarck Ext County Programs Full-Time Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/ Burleigh County 02/14/2025 7,030 20,841 53,000 61,000 1
NDSU1 2,956,341 2540 Regular North Dakota State University McClusky Ext County Programs Full-Time Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources/ Sheridan County 02/14/2025 7,030 21,207 53,000 60,000 1
NDSU1 2,956,343 0110 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Graduate School Full-Time Dean of the College of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies 02/13/2025 2,820 21,885 190,000 224,240 B 1
NDSU1 2,956,344 9845 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Int'l Student & Study Abroad Part-Time Tmp-ISSAS-Visiting Scholar 02/12/2025 02/14/2025 2,843 106,455 1,350 1,350 1
NDSU1 2,956,345 2125 Regular North Dakota State University Fargo Transp., Logistics, & Finance Part-Time Part-time Academic Staff- AR 02/12/2025 02/16/2025 2,440 104,341 1,700 1,700 1
VCSU1 2,951,778 2125 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Social Science Part-Time Adjunct Faculty-Social Science 05/22/2024 2,610 104,217 10 10 1
VCSU1 2,952,003 2125 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Graduate Studies Part-Time Adjunct Faculty-Grad Studies 06/27/2024 2,215 104,356 10 10 1
VCSU1 2,954,355 2125 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Music Part-Time Adjunct Faculty-Music 08/13/2024 2,320 104,212 10 10 1
VCSU1 2,954,607 2125 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Department of Business Part-Time Adjunct Faculty-Department for Business 10/01/2024 2,100 104,220 10 10 1
VCSU1 2,954,856 2110 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Art Full-Time Assistant Professor of Art 11/25/2024 2,310 104,595 47,000 55,500 B 1
VCSU1 2,954,893 2110 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Social Science Full-Time Assistant Professor of Psychology, full-time, tenure track 12/02/2024 2,610 103,039 47,000 52,000 B 1
VCSU1 2,954,894 2110 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Kinesiology & Human Performanc Full-Time Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Human Performance, Full-Time Tenure Track 12/02/2024 2,400 106,379 47,000 52,000 1
VCSU1 2,955,012 1105 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Academic Affairs Full-Time Director for Distance Education 01/13/2025 2,010 104,882 68,000 72,000 1
VCSU1 2,955,083 2125 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Graduate Studies Part-Time Dual Credit Instructor 01/13/2025 07/16/2025 2,215 104,221 8 8 B 1
VCSU1 2,956,274 9300 Regular Valley City State University Valley City Academic Affairs Part-Time Director for Community School of the Arts 02/07/2025 2,010 12,537 10,400 10,400 1
WSC01 2,955,095 1105 Regular Williston State College Williston Workforce Training Full-Time TrainND NW Director/CTE Director 01/14/2025 03/02/2025 03/17/2025 1,400 10,654 90,000 110,000 1
WSC01 2,956,296 2125 Regular Williston State College Williston Nursing Part-Time Adjunct Nursing instructor 02/04/2025 06/01/2025 2,210 104,922 771 970 1

Institutions within the North Dakota University System have a variety of career opportunities available. Check below to view complete openings for each institution.