26 Apr Media Coverage Summary – April 26
The following is a roundup of news on North Dakota University System’s 11 public colleges and universities for the week ending Friday, April 26.
Bismarck State College
Designers battle it out on stage for creative supremacy
Open house for BSC juried student show set for April 25
Dakota College at Bottineau
DCB Recognizes 2019 Leap Graduates
Dickinson State University
Dickinson State University expands opportunities in athletics
NDUS Vice Chancellor of Strategy visits DSU classroom
A Minute with Mitzel 4.23.19
Living the Strenuous Life
Dickinson State announces first two dual mission programs
Dickinson State enters the esports game
Lake Region State College
Peace officer graduation
College for Kids registration open May 1
Mayville State University
Commencement is a time for reflection
Collegiate DECA students participate in the International Career Development Conference
Minot State University
The incredible life of Michael Saba
Minot State hosts 30th Annual Spring Honor Dance and Powwow Celebration
Presidential Speaker Series Elizabeth Smart Webcast
Native American Cultural Center to honor Tom and Judy Fredericks at Powwow
North Dakota State College of Science
NDSCS to Celebrate Agawasie Day on Thursday, May 2
North Dakota State University
NDSU Extension Helps Vitalize Rural Communities
NDSU EXPLORE award winners announced | NDSU News
NDSU National Agri-Marketing Association team wins national championship
NDSU faculty member’s research makes glass more predictable
Inspiring Teacher: Anne Eliason, assistant professor of practice in nursing
University of North Dakota
In search of the ‘best and brightest’
Global fluency
Finding direction to finish degree
Dance with meaning
Brighter, greener and more comfortable
Valley City State University
Prairie Waters to host summer day camps for 5th- through 8th-graders
Williston State College
WSC Student Goes Paperless
North Dakota University System
Board focuses on policies
BSC, NDSU named as cybersecurity leaders by feds