22 May Core Technology Services to be recognized for Blackboard work
The organization in control of the maintenance and operation of North Dakota University System’s digital infrastructure has been notified that it will receive national recognition for its work implementing a single learning management system (LMS) across all 11 public colleges and universities.
Core Technology Services (CTS) was recently notified by Blackboard that it will receive the 2019 Blackboard Catalyst Award for Leading Change. Over the past few years, CTS oversaw the rollout of Blackboard on all the NDUS campuses, offering them a single systemwide solution for all its educational needs.
According to CTS Chief Information Officer Darin King, the effort had roots in the State Board of Higher Education’s 2011 strategic planning process to adopt a single LMS. At that time, three LMS applications – Pearson eCollege, Blackboard Learn and Moodle – were all being used.
Five years later, CTS had begun working with the 11 public institutions to implement that standard. Now, the final steps have been taken to bring all the institutions up-to-date in the systemwide migration to Bb Learn. That work has come from significant efforts made by CTS and the campuses.
According to King, the single instance of Bb Learn is provides a standard and consistent end-user experience for all faculty, staff and students throughout the university system.
“This has been a tremendous amount of work across several years, and it couldn’t have happened without our technical experts in CTS, or the support of the campuses,” King said. “Beyond that, it offers a singular branded experience where students and faculty have the ability to log into just one site even if they are enrolled, or teach, at multiple institutions. Having this standard in place improves efficiency at the system and user levels, and has proven to be cost effective as well.”
The award will be presented by Bb during the Blackboard Catalyst Awards Luncheon on Thursday, July 25 in Austin.