UND presidential search committee announced

UND presidential search committee announced

The North Dakota University System has launched a search for the next president of the University of North Dakota.

The new UND president will succeed Mark Kennedy, who departed the university June 15, 2019, to assume the presidency at the University of Colorado.

Dr. Joshua Wynne, who has been the dean of the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences since 2010, has been serving as interim president since Kennedy’s departure by appointment of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education.

Co-chairing the UND Presidential Search Committee are Dr. Casey Ryan, SBHE member, and Dr. Dennis Elbert, UND alumnus.

Other committee members include:

  • Steve Burian, UND alumnus
  • Howard Dahl, UND alumnus
  • Joshua DeMorrett, UND alumnus
  • Gracie Lian, UND student body president
  • Dr. Cynthia Lindquist, UND alumnus, president of Cankdeska Cikana Community College
  • Whitney Maine, UND Staff Senate president
  • Dr. Daphne Pedersen, UND faculty
  • Dr. Paul Todhunter, UND Senate chair
  • DeAnna Carlson Zink, UND Alumni Foundation chief executive officer

Ex-officio members of the committee include NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott and Mayville State President Brian Van Horn.

More information about the search can be found at https://und.edu/about/president/search/.