06 Jan NDUS to hold OER conference
Event will be March 6 in Fargo
In conjunction with Open Education Week, the North Dakota University System will hold an Open Education Resources (OER) Conference, Friday, March 6 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo.
The full-day program will include an overview of the OER landscape at a national level, a panel of representatives from Mayville State University, University of North Dakota and Valley City State University who have successfully implemented OERs, and research conducted by UND professor, Dr. Virginia Clinton, regarding of the effects of using open textbooks and student learning outcomes. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Lisa Johnson said conference attendees will be instrumental in shaping the future of OER in North Dakota.
“Adoption of OERs is gaining tremendous momentum not just in our state but throughout the country,” Johnson said. “Open education resources support the creative potential of innovative faculty and reduce the financial burden to students.”
Attendees can choose from a variety of afternoon breakout sessions focusing on the OER perspective of faculty and students. Jennifer Parks from the Midwestern Higher Education Compact will provide a checklist of options to consider when choosing an OER repository. Conference participants will also be able to learn what options are available using OER in general education courses or Z degrees.
The conference will conclude with a discussion led by Johnson that will focus on the next steps for OER leadership in the university system. The full program information is linked here. Registration link is here.