03 Mar University of North Dakota
Indigenous Health first-of-its-kind program
The University of North Dakota and its School of Medicine & Health Sciences recently became the world’s first of offer a doctoral program in Indigenous Health. The Ph.D. degree program will launch in May, and prospective students are already lining up to become part of it.
UND has largest drilling lab
UND soon will be home to the world’s largest full-scale oil drilling and completion laboratory. The $40-million experimental facility, which doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world, allows UND Petroleum Engineering students to simulate general drilling and deep drilling, along with testing different rocks, including shale, among other research.
UARC proposed
An North Dakota University System team, with members from UND and North Dakota State University, held an important conference call with Jonathan Black (Virginia Tech) to discuss the North Dakota’s participation in the University Affiliated Research Center being proposed to support Space Force and the new U.S. Space Command.