03 Mar Valley City State University
VCSU announces record spring enrollment
For the sixth consecutive year, Valley City State University has achieved record spring enrollment numbers according to official figures released Feb. 11. VCSU has set spring semester records with a headcount enrollment of 1,622 students, nearly a 7% increase over last year’s 1,517 spring headcount. The spring 2020 undergraduate headcount of 1,491 is also a record, exceeding the 2019 figure of 1,375 by more than 8%.
Other records in the spring 2020 numbers include both the institutional total FTE (full-time equivalent) and the undergraduate FTE. The institutional total FTE figure of 1,091 represents nearly a 7% increase over the 2019 figure of 1,020, and the undergraduate FTE figure of 1,044 represents nearly an 8% increase over the 2019 figure of 970. Of particular significance in the numbers this spring is the increase in full-time undergraduate students, from 776 in spring semester 2019 to 830 in 2020, just shy of a 7% increase.
“It’s gratifying to see the strong spring numbers,” said VCSU President Alan LaFave. “Our hard work in bringing students to Valley City State and working with them to keep them on pathways toward degrees pays off for the students, their families and us. The numbers are an indicator of the quality teaching and learning environment on our campus, which we strive to improve. VCSU continues to provide an outstanding education and great value.”
VCSU online programs ranked by U.S. News
The online master’s in education and bachelor’s programs at Valley City State University have been ranked in the U.S. News 2020 Best Online Programs. The national rankings cover accredited degree-granting online programs. VCSU’s online master of education (M.Ed) program was ranked 144th of 298 programs, while the online bachelor’s programs at VCSU were ranked 183rd of 345 programs.
“We’re excited about once again being selected as one of the best online master’s in education programs,” said James Boe, Ph.D., VCSU dean for graduate studies and extended learning. “We take pride in being able to offer quality programs that are flexible enough for teachers with full-time jobs, coaching responsibilities and families. The program has numerous field experiences where candidates can implement new instructional technology, conduct laboratory activities, observe in other classrooms, co-teach and more. Our goal is to improve teaching and learning and provide our graduates with the knowledge and skills to make it happen.”
The VCSU master of education (M.Ed.) program offers six concentrations: elementary education, English education, library and information technologies, teaching English language learners, teaching and technology, and technology education. The university also offers a master of arts in teaching (M.A.T.) program, designed to help individuals with degrees in non-teaching fields earn teaching licenses.
Online bachelor’s programs at VCSU include business education, business process integration management, career and technical education, communication, English education, history, history education, music, social science, social science education, and technology education.
The U.S. News rankings are based on methodologies using data from a statistical survey and a peer reputation survey. Although the methodologies differ for the master’s in education and bachelor’s programs, both rely on measures of engagement, services and technologies, faculty credentials and training, student excellence, and expert opinion.
Included in these measures are graduation rates, use of best practices, class sizes, retention rates, student indebtedness, technological infrastructure, support services, terminal degree faculty and tenured faculty, and faculty preparedness to teach distance learners.
Ross named an ACTE Postsecondary Leadership Success Program fellow
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) has named Rick Ross, VCSU associate professor of career and technical education, a fellow in its 2020 Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – sponsored by ECMC Foundation (PLSP-ECMCF).
The program’s review committee selected 20 participants, including Ross, for the 2019-2020 cohort. The PLSP-ECMCF supports current and aspiring leaders in career and technical education (CTE) to provide professional and career growth opportunities to the next generation of leaders at nonprofits and postsecondary institutions offering CTE programs.
This is ACTE’s second cohort of 20 CTE postsecondary professionals in leadership development activities. These activities include creating a personal development plan, attending virtual and in-person professional development sessions, sharing best practices with the field and engaging with a mentor. The goal of the program is to help participants develop and refine their skills in CTE organizational leadership and management; build critical skills in communication, collaboration, networking, problem solving and use of time/resources; and hone their ability to facilitate institutional change. The PLSP-ECMCF also includes a research study to help determine what efforts best contribute to leadership development among postsecondary CTE professionals and the creation of resources that can be widely distributed to support others in the field.