12 Mar WSC and COVID-19

WSC campus alert.
WILLISTON, N.D. – The following is a message from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC’s response to the coronavirus (COVID – 19):
Dear Campus Community:
I would like to update you on the teaching and learning policies that Williston State College has chosen to follow in response to COVID-19. Additional details continue to be developed and will be communicated in the coming days. It is highly encouraged to check your WSC email frequently.
WSC will take specific actions to help limit the COVID-19 risk on campus. We will continue to fulfill our mission by ensuring students are able to meet their educational requirements and that faculty and staff are able to continue their teaching, support, and advising duties.
For the two weeks following spring break (March 23 through April 3), much of the face-to-face instruction will be interrupted at WSC and students will, in many cases, continue their studies using online resources. Campus will remain open and all other campus facilities will continue to operate. Faculty and staff will continue to work from campus or remote locations, so there may be some interruption of regular work schedules and services based on availability of WSC staff members. Additional details will be provided as they become available.
WSC is Taking these Actions
Remote Teaching and Learning – Effective March 14, students who leave campus for spring break should plan not to return to campus for an additional period of two weeks. Most face-to-face classes will not be held on campus during the weeks of March 23-27 and March 30-April 3. Faculty will determine how best to use technology to enable students to continue their coursework during this time. With CTE and laboratory-based classes, instructors are responsible to schedule alternative meeting dates/time and learning activities for their students. Check BlackBoard course shells and WSC email often for information. Please contact your instructor with any specific questions.
Residence Halls and Dining – WSC encourages students to remain away from campus during the next few weeks. If necessary, students with housing and dining contracts will be able to live on campus and use meal plans after spring break. Additional information will be provided to students through the housing office.
Athletic Teams and Special Events – WSC will continue to support athletic competition and team travel during the weeks of March 23-27 and March 30-April 3. Special events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Return to Regular Operations – WSC expects to resume face-to-face classes on Monday, April 6 as regularly scheduled. However, this matter remains fluid and any changes will be communicated. Check BlackBoard course shells and WSC email often for information. The safety of our community is our top priority.
WSC realizes that these actions will cause disruption and additional questions; however, the risk of not acting outweighs the inconvenience of these temporary measures.
It is also important that any students, faculty, or staff who have traveled or otherwise encounter COVID-19 use this additional time to observe their own health. If symptoms appear, contact your personal healthcare provider for evaluation prior to returning to campus.
For extensive and accurate information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov
WSC acknowledges that these extraordinary times require exceptional measures to deal with a health risk that impacts us all. At present, the best option available to limit the spread of COVID-19 is minimized contact with large concentrations of people. WSC is committed to doing everything we can for the safety of our community. I appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Questions may be addressed to the office for Student Affairs, the office for Academic Affairs, the Human Resources Director, and the office of the President.
John Miller, Ed.D.
Williston State College
WSC encourages the community to monitor the WSC Facebook page (@willistonstate) and website (www.willistonstate.edu) for updates.
For more information on this message, please contact:
Dr. John Miller, President, at 701.774.4231 or john.s.miller@willistonstate.edu.
Kimberli Wray, VP for Academic Affairs, at 701.774.4500 or kimberli.wray@willistonstate.edu.
Kaylyn Bondy, VP for Student Affairs, at 701.774.4535 or kaylyn.bondy@willistonstate.edu.
Michelle Remus, HR Director, at 701.774.4204 or michelle.remus@willistonstate.edu.
For more information, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 701.774.4200, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.