20 Mar WSC and COVID-19 update

WSC COVID-19 update.
WILLISTON, N.D. – The following is an update from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Dear Campus Community:
On March 19, Governor Doug Burgum announced in a press release that public access would be restricted to state facilities, effective immediately and extending until Monday April 6, 2020. Williston State College is a state facility; therefore, this limited access order applies to WSC facilities, employees, and operations.
Again, from Monday, March 23 through April 3, only employees considered “operationally essential” will report to campus for work. All other employees will work remotely off-campus. This applies to both the WSC and TrainND Northwest campuses.
However, the following operational adjustments will take place at WSC as a result of COVID-19:
- From Monday, March 23 through April 3, no face-to-face academic courses will be conducted on the WSC campus. Students are encouraged to check BlackBoard course shells and WSC email often for information and to contact instructors with any specific questions regarding classes.
- From Monday, March 23 through April 3, no face-to-face scheduled training will be conducted on the TrainND Northwest campus. TrainND Northwest will have online course options available for XTO, HRO, H2S by the end of next week. The ONE BASIN-One Way! program has pivoted to North Dakota Safety Council locations for face-to-face classes and is working toward offering a distance learning option. TrainND Northwest staff is working to contact all scheduled students.
- From now through Friday, April 3, the WSC library, the Learning Commons, and the bookstore, Andrea’s, are closed.
Faculty and TrainND personnel working to develop online/distance delivery options for coursework have the option to defer resumption of classes for another week if time is needed to complete planning for this transition.
Students are encouraged to continue coursework from home, but for students who need to remain on campus, WSC’s residence halls are open and available. In addition, beginning Friday, March 20th, lunch and dinner meals will be delivered to Frontier Hall.
Please keep in mind that WSC is not closing campus. The actions we have taken will lead to some reduced operations, but WSC will continue to provide educational access and opportunities for our students and stakeholders. I ask for your continuing patience and cooperation.
John Miller, Ed.D.
Williston State College
WSC encourages the community to monitor the WSC Facebook page (@willistonstate) and dedicated website page willistonstate.edu/coronavirus for updates.
TrainND Northwest encourages the community to monitor the TrainND Northwest Facebook page (@trainndnorthwest) and website willistonstate.edu/trainnd for updates.
For more information on this message, please contact:
Dr. John Miller, President | 701.774.4231 or john.s.miller@willistonstate.edu
Kenley Nebeker, Regional Director of Technical Programs & Training | 701.713.3780 or kenley.nebeker@willistonstate.edu