21 Mar WSC to transition online for remainder of Spring 2020

WSC COVID-19 update.
WILLISTON, N.D. – The following is an update from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Dear Campus Community:
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect our communities and impact daily life for us all, best practices for trying to minimize its impact revolve primarily around social distancing and avoiding large gatherings.
As a result, Williston State College has a responsibility to adjust our operations accordingly for the safety of our students, faculty, and staff.
To that end, effective immediately, WSC courses will be delivered online for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.
Classes will resume online as scheduled on Monday, March 23 and continue in an online format for the remainder of the semester. If there are exceptions, faculty will communicate these with students, keeping the safety of all our number one priority.
Students, I encourage you to check BlackBoard course shells and WSC email often for information and to contact your instructors with any specific questions regarding classes.
I appreciate your understanding and patience as we have worked through this complex and uncertain process with the best information we have. Additional details related to the completion of the Spring 2020 semester continue to be developed and will be communicated in the coming days. But at a minimum, I wanted our entire college community to have this critical piece of information as soon as possible to begin planning accordingly.
Students are encouraged to continue coursework from home and are discouraged from physically coming to, returning to, or staying on the WSC campus unless they have a legitimate need. WSC’s residence halls are open and available to a limited number of students who have no other options or are unable to return/transition to a permanent residence.
Again, please monitor your WSC email frequently for additional information, particularly as it relates to housing and dining, the retrieval of items, and the move-out process. WSC Housing will be communicating with all residents.
I apologize for this unfortunate set of circumstances, particularly to our graduating sophomores who will be unable to complete their final semester on the WSC campus. Your college years are a special time and it is frustrating to have such uncertainty. You have my sincerest thoughts and apologies.
At this time, WSC has not made a final decision regarding spring Commencement. A decision will be made in the coming days.
I acknowledge that these extraordinary times required exceptional measures to deal with a health risk that impacts us all. And while campus will look and feel different for a time, the WSC community is strong and resilient.
WSC will continue to fulfill our mission by ensuring students are able to meet their educational requirements and that faculty and staff are able to continue their teaching, support, and advising duties.
Again, WSC is not closing campus but is making operational adjustments for the safety of our community.
I ask for your continuing patience and cooperation.
John Miller, Ed.D.
Williston State College
WSC encourages the community to monitor the WSC Facebook page (@willistonstate) and dedicated website page willistonstate.edu/coronavirus for updates.
For more information on this message, please contact:
Dr. John Miller, President | 701.774.4231 or john.s.miller@willistonstate.edu
WSC Housing | 701.774.4585 or wsc.housing@willistonstate.edu
For more information, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 701.774.4200, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.