18 Jun Core Technology Services to host Summer Showcase
Webinar series will be available Wednesdays from June 17 through July 22
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic blindsided the academic world while at the same time spurring some creative applications of teaching technologies. Faculty and staff from throughout North Dakota University System’s (NDUS) 11 campuses responded quickly and brought innovating solutions to a world that had started working more remotely. For the next month, Core Technology Services (CTS) will be offering webinars that share those solutions with you.
The Summer Showcase features faculty sharing their experiences using various instructional technologies provided and supported by the NDUS and how they adapted to the new learning environment. All sessions will be recorded. Recommended browser for all presentations is Chrome. The following information is a list of the webinar topics and when they will be held.
The Virtual Classroom with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Wed., June 17, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Deb Mantz – Instructional Technology Manager, Bismarck State College
Annette Murray Tait – Speech Lecturer, Bismarck State College
Dr. Joe Ellefson – Professor, Criminal Justice, Bismarck State College
BSC plunged into Bb Collaborate Ultra as part of Deb Mantz’s master’s scholarly project. Her enthusiasm for the product led departments, faculty and staff, to utilize Blackboard Collaborate for classes, meetings and other events. Find out how her efforts had Annette join the team for teaching her communication class and Joe, a self-described techno-phobe, still continue to teach online as if it were face-to-face.
Join using Bb Collaborate Ultra: CTS-ACT Meeting Room
Expanding the Classroom with Pexip Desktop Video Client
Wed., June 24, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Dr. Dean Gross, Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Nursing, NDSU
Dr. Dmitri Kilin, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, NDSU
See what Dean and Dmitri did to move their IVN video conference classes to Pexip Desktop Video. Find out how Dean integrated nursing projects into the delivery and Dmitri conducted physical chemistry lab work.
Link for Presentation: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Harnessing Student Voices Using VoiceThread
Wed., July 1, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Dr. Kiersten Baughman, Associate Professor of Psychology, Valley City State University
Melissa Moser, Assistant Professor, Nursing, Lake Region State College, Devils Lake
Whether its student presentations or instructors communicating with students, VoiceThread can harness the needs of both. Find out from Kiersten how VoiceThread allowed her students to become more comfortable speaking in front of others as they demonstrate their knowledge in creative ways. Melissa will then share how VoiceThread can be used for instructor comments for assignments, discussions and virtual simulations.
Link for Presentation: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Teaming Up with Microsoft Teams
Wed., July 8, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Dr. Linda Cresap, Professor, Business Information Technology; Director, MS Sports Management MiSU
Patti Heisler, Collaborative Learning Manager, Core Technology Services, NDUS
Find out how Linda used Microsoft Teams to support a flipped learning pedagogy in the online environment, and how add-on apps provide a fun and engaging learning experience. Patti will then share features of Microsoft Teams that lend themselves to instruction.
Link for Presentation: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Getting Creative with YuJa Lecture Capture
Wed., July 15, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Kristi Kienast Hernandez, Instructor, Mathematics Dept., LRSC
Brenda Tyre, Associate Professor, Business Dept, VCSU
Some courses like Math and Accounting rely on face-to-face hands-on demonstration and interaction with students. Find out what creative approaches these two instructors used to teach their students online.
Link for Presentation: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Protecting Assessment Integrity with YuJa Proctoring
Wed., July 22, 10-11 a.m. CDT
Alissa Perkins, Distance Program Support Specialist, Mayville State University
Teresa Bren, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Dickinson State University
Remote test proctoring is no longer just a trend. Mayville State introduced the new YuJa test proctoring feature this past year. Hear from Alissa how she introduced it to faculty and students, what obstacles they overcame and how it became another instructional tool. Using the tool for the first time, Teresa will share how they introduced it to students. She will also share her experience using YuJa Streaming.
Link for Presentation: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting