SBHE appoints Link as interim president of NDSCS

SBHE appoints Link as interim president of NDSCS

BISMARCK, N.D. – The State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) has appointed Harvey Link as the interim president of North Dakota State College of Science. He is scheduled to begin in December 2021, approximately the same timeframe as the retirement of current NDSCS President John Richman. A permanent president will be selected to assume office by July 2022.

Link spent nearly a half-century in education. Link’s 43 years with NDSCS included serving as an agriculture instructor, chair of the agriculture department, dean of the arts, science and business division, acting assistant to the president for government relations, vice president for instructional advancement in government relations, vice president of academic and student affairs and finally vice president of academics before he retired from the institution in May 2021.

A father of three children, Sarah, Amber and Matt, and grandfather of six. Link has been married to wife Gale since 1972.

North Dakota University System (NDUS) Chancellor Mark Hagerott said, “Harvey can provide valuable service to the college and the NDUS over the upcoming months, and his experience and knowledge of the college will be useful while guiding the institution through this period of transition. We appreciate him stepping up to serve in this capacity.”

Link said, “I continue to be thankful for the opportunities that have been afforded to me as a member of the NDSCS family and will always have a deep allegiance to NDSCS, our students and the many colleagues I have worked with over the years. It will be an honor to work with my colleagues again, and I look forward to this opportunity.”