04 Apr Dakota Digital Academy Announces Certificate Programs and Grants
The Dakota Digital Academy of the North Dakota University System is coordinating accelerated timeframe certificate programs in cybersecurity and software development beginning in Summer 2022. Six of the 11 institutions of the NDUS are collaborating on the development and delivery of 13 online courses.
An undergraduate certificate requires between 15-18 credits and could be completed in as little as seven months. A student aiming to complete a certificate program in an accelerated timeframe could take up to four courses during summer semester, with an additional course and practical experience in the fall.
“Through the responsiveness of the Dakota Digital Academy, we are poised to meet the growing tech demands of workforce in the state,” said North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott. “These certificates are online, stackable and transferable, and are available to current and new students throughout the university system and tribal colleges.”
In addition, the North Dakota University System has also awarded 15 grants through the Dakota Digital Academy. The grants were awarded to faculty throughout the university system to develop courses in response to an overwhelming demand for more workers having technological skillsets. For more information, visit https://dda.ndus.edu/summer-2022-accelerated-online-certificate-programs-in-cybersecurity-and-software-development/.