07 Jul Board Approves Presidential Salary Increases
At its latest meeting, the State Board of Higher Education voted unanimously to approve increases for the state’s public college and university presidents starting at two percent.
During the meeting, the SBHE expressed its deep appreciation and gratitude for the presidents’ service and continued commitment to their respective institutions. The governing body noted that presidents provided leadership through unprecedented and complex events including the COVID pandemic and market volatility related to inflation. Dickinson State University President Steve Easton received an additional one percent increase for what the SBHE and North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott referred to as “exceptional work.”
“President Easton has provided transformational leadership as the institution has made significant strides in the development of programming for its dual mission status, being among the first universities in the Midwest to adapt such a model,” said Hagerott. “His efforts led to a five percent increase in enrollment at a time when nationwide enrollment is declining and held the line on affordability by supporting a two-year tuition freeze.”
The SBHE also provided Hagerott with a 2.7 percent salary increase during the meeting after conducting his evaluation and concluding his leadership has been visionary.