06 Feb SBHE expresses eagerness to further collaborate with tribal colleges
During its January meeting, the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) was joined by a representative of the North Dakota Tribal System, who is also an enrolled citizen of the Three Affiliated Tribes – Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation. Dr. Twyla Baker, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College president, spoke to the Board about ongoing initiatives at tribal colleges in North Dakota and proposed further collaboration with the North Dakota University System.
Baker noted that tribal colleges were important for NDUS’s 11 institutions since they provide transfer graduates to those campuses. She expressed interest in exploring partnerships around CTE offerings and AI initiatives, emphasizing the importance of these areas for the future of tribal colleges.
“I just want to thank Dr. Baker for coming. I was invited to their fall meeting and I was just so impressed. They’re looking to the future, much like we all have been doing for our students and focusing on how workforce is changing,” said NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott.
Hagerott further offered training opportunities to tribal colleges for AI in the classroom through the NDUS Dakota Digital Academy.
The SBHE also had further discussion about its work on tenure and post-tenure review. They spent time during the meeting working on edits to Board policies relating to tenure.
Proposed timelines also were discussed for presidential searches at Bismarck State College (BSC), Dickinson State University (DSU), Lake Region State College (LRSC) and the chancellor’s position. The chancellor position search will begin in July 2025, while the DSU presidential search has begun and the LRC and BSC presidential searches will begin in January 2026.
Tammy Dolan, NDUS legislative specialist, provided an update on the legislative session, including the status of various bills affecting higher education. One of the bills highlighted was House Bill 1221, which would appropriate $24 million for the Workforce Education Innovation Program established by the 68th Legislative Assembly. The program would allow the SBHE to award funds to institutions to create or enhance educational programs that address state workforce needs.
Other bills discussed included Senate Bill 2242, which proposes a study on the higher education system’s efficiency and collaboration. House Bills 1365 and 1588 also were noted, since they concern firearms on campus.
Committee Reports
Member Curtis Biller reported for the Academic and Student Affairs Committee. The group recently sent out a survey to understand potential interest in reduced credit programs and to identify potential redundancy across the 11 institutions. Institutions were asked about their current priorities, future vision, processes for facilitating change and they were also asked to identify their top three programs for potential reduced credit.
For the Audit Committee, Member Jeffry Volk said the group reviewed the State Auditor’s report on system-wide governance communication. The group also received quarterly reports from the audit team.
Vice Chair Danita Bye reported for the Governance Committee, mentioning the group had continued its review of the SBHE Strategic Plan, focusing on the areas of financial health, research and responsiveness. Member Casey Ryan reported for the Research Committee, which heard a presentation from the vice presidents for research at North Dakota State University, University of North Dakota and Valley City State University. The group also reviewed an Economic Diversification Research Fund report and a legislative request for $25 million for research.
Member Maxwell Eriksrud reported for the North Dakota Student Association. During its last meeting, the group passed multiple resolutions, including those in support of a mental health task force on NDUS campuses, as well as licensure compacts and scholarship bills. They also passed resolutions in opposition to three-year or 90-credit bachelor’s degrees and to allowing firearms on campus.
For the Staff Senate, Member Michael Linell said the group discussed several topics, including tenure, dual credit, the president and chancellor transitions and legislative updates. The State Staff Senate also would like to partner with NDUS for a system-wide recognition program initiative.
The Board heard first readings for HR Policy 3 (Qualifications for Employment), HR Policy 7 (Sick Leave), Policy 603.2 (Equal Employment Opportunity) and Policy 909 (Real Property Leases). Second readings of Policies 350.2 (Workforce Training Boards), 469 (College Credit in High School) and 805.1 (Tuition) also were heard. All policies were approved.
No public comments were made.
The next SBHE meeting will be Feb. 7, 2025.