SBHE Chair Mihalick statement on Dept of Education ‘Dear Colleague’ letter

SBHE Chair Mihalick statement on Dept of Education ‘Dear Colleague’ letter

The State Board of Higher Education had their regularly scheduled board meeting on February 27, 2025. One item on the agenda included an executive session to receive legal counsel on the Department of Education’s Dear Colleague Letter issued February 14, 2025. Upon exiting executive session, Board Chair Tim Mihalick stated that after receiving legal counsel, no board policies will be changed at this time. Further, Chair Mihalick made a statement in support and appreciation of the North Dakota University System students, faculty, and staff.  SBHE Policy 100.5 Principles and Core Values of the State Board of Higher Education identifies diversity, in its widest sense, is one of several core values within our system. Specifically: “We value diversity of thought and of people and believing that diversity is a necessity to a vibrant learning community that pursues excellence in scholarship and research. We are committed to providing a university system that is trustworthy, supportive, safe, and welcoming. We are committed to ensuring intercultural and international diversity in our curriculum and our people.” This policy remains a key foundation for the work of the State Board of Higher Education and the North Dakota University System.