NDSU students honored at oil chemists meeting

NDSU students honored at oil chemists meeting


NDSU cereal science doctoral students Minwei Xu and Yang Lan were honored at the 2019 American Oil Chemists’ Society meeting in St. Louis May 6-8.

Xu was awarded the Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division Excellent Poster Award for his poster, ”Proximate Composition, Fatty Acids Profiles, and Nutritionally Valuable Minerals of 10 Industrial Hemp Seeds Varieties.” He is advised by Bingcan Chen, assistant professor in food and cereal chemistry.

Xu, who is from China, also was recognized as a recipient of the Honored Student Award.

Lan was awarded a Student Travel Grant by the Protein and Co-products Division to attend the meeting. He presented three posters:

·      “Comparison of Structural and Functional Properties of Flaxseed Protein from Whole Flaxseed and Flaxseed Cake”

·      “Formation of Pea Protein-Sugar Beet Pectin Complex Coacervates for Controlling Food Texture”

·      “Understanding Phase Behaviors of Concentrated Pea Protein Isolate-Pectin Mixture: Effect of pH, Biopolymer Ratio and Pectin Type”

Lan is from China and is advised Jiajia Rao, assistant professor of food chemistry and ingredient technology.

A total of eight students, faculty and staff from Chen’s and Rao’s groups in the Department of Plant Sciences attended the meeting. Students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty presented seven posters and gave two oral presentations.

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