Professional Student Exchange (PSEP)




The State of North Dakota participates in the Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) in three professional areas of study, including optometry, dentistry and veterinary medicine. The PSEP program provides the opportunity for *ND resident students to attend out-of-state programs in these professional areas since they are not available in North Dakota. Programs supported by North Dakota PSEP include:


WICHE Optometry, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota – Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University – Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University – Veterinary Medicine


DO NOT WAIT TO APPLY! Completed applications received in the North Dakota University System (NDUS) on or prior to October 15th of year preceding enrollment in the professional program will be given priority consideration (i.e. October 15, 2024 for enrollment in Fall 2025). Applications received after October 15th will be given alternate consideration.


  • New funding priority is given to new freshmen applicants.
  • Continuing students who are not funded under PSEP may apply again in subsequent years for consideration but will be considered as an alternate candidate. Alternate-certified applicants receive secondary funding consideration following certified applicants.
  • Certification does not guarantee admission to any professional school nor does it guarantee funding from the State of North Dakota under this program.



  • ND resident students must complete the PSEP application on the ND SAMS Portal.
    *For purposes of PSEP, North Dakota resident applicants must have graduated from a high school in this state; graduated from a high school in a bordering state, pursuant to N.D.C.C. chapter 15.1-29; graduated from a nonpublic high school in a bordering state while residing with a custodial parent in this state; completed a program of home education supervised in accordance with N.D.C.C. chapter 15.1-23; or received a general educational development high school diploma from the North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  • Completed PSEP applications are reviewed by the NDUS to determine if the applicant qualifies. If the ND resident applicant qualifies, the applicant will be “certified” or “alternate-certified” as eligible for consideration of PSEP support. Certification is not a guarantee of an award. 

The NDUS determines annually the number of new applicants funded under each program based on appropriations. All applicants will be notified of their certification status and acceptance.
  •  Applicants must apply and interview directly with the eligible institutions for dentistry, optometry or veterinary medicine that they would like to attend.
  • Applicants should inform the NDUS of enrollment offers received and/or institution attending by April 1st of the year. Admission to an institution does not guarantee funding under PSEP.
  • Applicants are notified whether or not they were selected for PSEP funding in the spring preceding enrollment in the professional program. Depending on program decision deadlines, you may have to commit to a program before you know whether or not you will receive PSEP support.
  • Applicants who are selected for funding under PSEP must complete a Statement of Intention & Commitment to secure their award.
    • Students must attend the designated school to qualify for payment.
    • Once accepted into the PSEP program as a funded recipient, annual applications are not required, however, recipients are expected to keep their contact information updated with the NDUS at least annually.
    • Graduated PSEP recipients must notify the NDUS of post-graduation employment for program tracking purposes.



  • The award amount is equal to the support fee designated for each program by WICHE.
  • For the University of Minnesota, award amounts are based on a pre-determined formula.
  • For Iowa State University and Kansas State University, award amounts are approximately the difference between in-state resident tuition and non-resident tuition.
  • Awards are renewable up to four years, provided legislative funding continues.
  • Recipients are responsible for all tuition and fees not covered by the PSEP support payment.


  • Awards are based on the assumption that recipients are committed to remain in the professional program from the time of entrance until completion. Continual enrollment in the program of study is required. Any interruption of study, whether voluntary or involuntary, could jeopardize support received from the state.
  • Students who do not meet the academic standards of the institution they enroll in will no longer receive support from the state. Funding will not be provided for repeat course work.
  • Recipients are not permitted to defer the award should they decide to delay enrollment.
  • Recipients who receive 100% tuition reimbursement from other sources will not be eligible for the PSEP support payment. Additionally, if residency is obtained in another state, support from North Dakota will be suspended.
  • The Professional Student Exchange Program funding is contingent upon the ND Legislature appropriating funding.



More information on the PSEP program, including helpful frequently asked questions, the ranking process and more, can be found on the WICHE website at  For questions on the North Dakota PSEP program, contact the North Dakota University System (NDUS) at 701-328-2906 or at