ND University System Financial Aid Secure Drop Box

The secure drop box allows you to send documents to the NDUS Financial Aid easily and securely.

Follow the steps below to use the system.


  1. CLICK HERE (Secure File Drop) to access the drop box link.
  2. Enter the preferred e-mail address you wish to be contacted at.
  3. Enter student full name, ID, current college/high school’s name and birthdate.
  4. Select a “Submission Reason” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter additional comments if needed.
  6. Add your files.
  7. Click send.
  8. To get started: see #1


Native American Scholarship Drop Box:  To submit documents for the Native American Scholarship, please CLICK HERE for this scholarship program’s specific drop box. For other program documents, please click the link listed above in #1.