John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences Tag

The University of North Dakota Space Studies Spring 2020 Colloquium Series features leading experts in various space-related fields. Please join us for our next remotely offered presentation, featuring Joanne Gabrynowicz, a founding faculty member of the UND Space Studies department, leading international expert in space law...

Lawrence DeLucas, now a principal scientist at the Aerospace Corporation, came to UND campus on Monday for tours, interactions with students and an evening presentation on the physiological effects of long-duration spaceflight. Photo by Connor Murphy/UND Today. Though not commonly moved to tears, Lawrence DeLucas couldn’t...

The Space Studies Spring 2020 Colloquium Series at the University of North Dakota will feature former Space Shuttle Columbia Payload Specialist Lawrence DeLucas, who is currently working as a principal scientist at The Aerospace Corporation. DeLucas will present “Human Factors and Physiological Effects of Long Duration Spaceflight”...