News and Media

The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education heard reports from several Envision 2035 study group representatives at its February meeting. The groups’ findings will guide the North Dakota University System’s (NDUS) strategic planning process as it prepares for the future of higher education in...

BISMARCK, N.D. – Fifteen North Dakota University System (NDUS) faculty members were recently awarded $1,000 scholarships through the Dakota Digital Academy to attend and participate in conferences or professional development experiences involving artificial intelligence (AI). The scholarships were established to encourage professional learning and AI...

Dr. Larry C. Skogen, president emeritus of Bismarck State College (BSC) and former North Dakota University System (NDUS) interim chancellor, recently published To Educate American Indians, which presents the most complete versions of papers presented at the National Educational Association’s Department of Indian Education meetings...

BISMARCK, N.D. – Representatives from Core Technology Services, including Chief Information Officer Darin King, demoed a newly created AI data assistant Jan. 18 for attendees at the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education’s (SBHE) monthly meeting. The platform was one of several AI projects...

BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota University System (NDUS) identified several program successes and significant achievements during a 2023 year-in-review report to Legislative Management and the Governor’s Office. With collaboration between its 11 institutions, private industry and the 68th Legislative Assembly, NDUS advanced opportunities for...