News and Media

Wahpeton, N.D. — The State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) has selected Dr. Rod Flanigan as the 10th president of the North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS). The Board interviewed three finalists at their meeting Thursday, March 31, on the NDSCS campus. During his interview,...

After hours of interviews and deliberations over the final three candidates, the State Board of Higher Education unanimously named David Cook, Ph.D., as the new president of North Dakota State University. The morning opened with NDSU Presidential Search Co-Chairs Jill Louters, Ed.D. and Greg Lardy, Ph.D....

VCSU “Healthy, Forward-looking Culture” Noted by the Review Team [caption id="attachment_25275" align="aligncenter" width="720"] VCSU's assurance argument writing team members included (back left to right) Dr. Anthony Dutton, Dr. Kerry Gregoryk, Dr. Jamie Wirth, Emily Dafoe, (front center) Dr. Margaret Dahlberg, and (front right) Dr. Katie Woehl.[/caption] Valley...

The State Board of Higher Education focused on presidential searches at one college and one university, emerging priorities that would impact the strategic outlook, and an update on COVID-19. Board Vice Chair Jill Louters, Ed.D. provided an update on the North Dakota State University Presidential Search,...