Media Archive

News and Media / November 2,2022

The State Board of Higher Education reviewed budget items at its regular monthly meeting this week. Chancellor Hagerott and Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs David Krebsbach provided an update on the recent budget meeting with the Office of Management and Budget. Hagerott noted that it was...

News and Media / October 25,2022

BISMARCK, N.D. – Student enrollment across the North Dakota University System is consistently exceeding national trends, according to recent reporting data. Cumulative fall 2022 enrollment for the state’s 11 public colleges and universities is up by .4 percent as compared to the previous fall semester while...

News and Media / October 19,2022

The State Board of Higher Education focused on research when it met at Dickinson State University for its September meeting. Chancellor Mark Hagerott said that with thanks to U.S. Senator John Hoeven, a five-state consortium had including North Dakota had entered a memorandum of understanding to...

News and Media / September 28,2022

An apprenticeship program piloted at Lake Region State College was the genesis for a new statewide jobs training program announced between the North Dakota Tribal College System and oil industry partners. NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott said the move was to be celebrated and couldn’t have happened...

News and Media / September 19,2022

The 2022 Theodore Roosevelt Symposium kicked off Thursday, September 15th. The three-day event will explore the athletic world of athletics around the turn of the 20th Century and how modern sports subsequently developed. NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott participated in the activities on Thursday evening, to include...

News and Media / August 16,2022

An initiative to expand digital curriculums throughout North Dakota University System (NDUS) has found some early successes at Bismarck State College (BSC). Through its Palo Alto Networks (PAN) Academy, BSC has already trained two dozen educators in bringing computer science instruction into the K-12 classroom. According...