Media Archive

News and Media / June 1,2021

The State Board of Higher Education held its recent annual strategic retreat in Bismarck, hosting a virtual guest that kicked off an afternoon of strategic thinking. “This was the most disruptive year and now there’s an opportunity to see what’s changed and how we can move...

News and Media / April 16,2021

A virtual panel discussion held by the North Dakota University System this week focused on how state legislatures across the nation had explored proposals to rein in large technology firms. Titled “The States vs. Big Tech,” the panel was moderated by NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott, and...

News and Media / March 11,2021

Seventeen North Dakota community college students have been named to the 2021 All-North Dakota Academic Team, which recognizes the academic achievements of community college students. Members of the team and the colleges they attend are as follows:   Ashlei Stanczyk, Bismarck State College Eden West, Bismarck State College Michael...

News and Media / February 26,2021

Among the major presentations heard by the State Board of Higher Education at its recent meeting were updates on how campuses were dealing with the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as updates on the strategic plan, and behavioral health at the campus level. A...