Media Archive

NDUS, News and Media / August 9,2023

The North Dakota University System has extended its contract with Lightcast, a company that bills itself as a global leader in labor market analytics. According to the company, the labor market analytics provided to clientele includes data that can help plant talent strategy, workforce training, curriculum...

News and Media, SBHE / June 2,2023

Following a daylong strategic retreat, the State Board of Higher Education focused on recapping the last several months at its regular May meeting. Chancellor Mark Hagerott walked the Board through a legislative recap, focusing on HB1003 and SB2015, among other impactful bills. He said it was...

News and Media, SBHE / January 30,2023

The State Board of Higher Education focused on an updated budget and other legislative business at its most recent meeting. Chancellor Mark Hagerott opened the discussion with the reason for the updates to the budget, which the Board had previously approved. He noted that in his...