Media Archive

News and Media / April 13,2020

A communication and collaboration platform that had been made available throughout the North Dakota University System (NDUS) a couple years ago has found widespread use during trying times. After the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic hit western shores, much of the education world was sent scrambling...

News and Media / March 27,2020

We’re here for the duration, say Easton, Jensen   The State Board of Higher Education met this week through video teleconferencing due to social distancing requirements of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak nationwide. This made for a first for the Board, as it had previously always conducted...

News and Media / March 24,2020

Presidents and campus communities: I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud of you all as today. We’ve already come through a lot together in the past few turbulent weeks and I just wanted to say that your incredible energy and courage to continue to provide quality...

News and Media / March 20,2020

The 11 institutions of the North Dakota University System are closely coordinating coronavirus issues with the State Board of Higher Education and the NDUS System Office. During the past month, campuses have continually adapted and adjusted to this unprecedented and constantly changing environment. Higher Education leadership...

News and Media / March 18,2020

The current situation with SARS-CoV-2 (also known as coronavirus and COVID-19) is confusing, anxiety-producing—and scary. The majority of people typically have mild or even no symptoms. But several countries—China, South Korea and now northern Italy—have been or are being inundated with large numbers of very...

News and Media / March 12,2020

North Dakota University System’s 11 colleges and universities are continuing to monitor and assess the environment of our campuses after the state announced the first case of coronavirus yesterday. Campus presidents met with university system officials in Bismarck this week during a planning session guided by...

News and Media / March 3,2020

Spring 2020 enrollment up 5% at Bismarck State College BSC saw a significant 5% enrollment increase for Spring 2020 semester over Spring 2019.  Numbers are up across several key areas including full time and part time students. Full time students increased by 1% Part time students went up by...